Get Involved

Junior school children leaving school

Many schools welcome appropriate support from churches and there are mutual benefits when good links are made.

How can your church support your local school?

  • Supporting in prayer. As an individual you may like to receive our monthly prayer email which will help you pray for specific schools and events. You could also find out if your church has a prayer support group for its local schools. You could be an IMPACT ‘Champion’, keeping schools and education on your church’s prayer agenda.
  • Financial giving. Charities need funding and IMPACT is no exception! What we most value is regular committed giving by churches and individuals. Could your church consider giving to IMPACT as part of its local mission? Visit our giving page for ideas and information on how to gift to our ongoing work including giving a legacy to Impact in your will..
  • Volunteering. The value of IMPACT’s volunteers cannot be understated. They are at the heart of our work and many of our activities simply could not happen without them! If you relate well to children and young people and have a little time to spare then why not find out if you can join our volunteer team? Volunteers are currently involved in:
    • Creative Prayer
    • Prayer Spaces
    • Live Nativity/Easter Experience
    • Lifepath
    • Lunchtime clubs in lower and middle schools

Our volunteers never have to ‘go it alone’. We offer help, training and materials and most tasks are much easier than people expect. You can offer as much or as little time as you wish.


What if your church has no connections with your local schools?

If your church does not have connections with local schools then why not let us inspire you to take the first step? Simply offering practical help is one way of demonstrating Christian love for your school and community. Some churches offer help on Sports Day, or with supporting children’s reading. We can come and talk with your church leaders, or speak in your morning service or midweek group about the work of IMPACT. We can help you to think through how you might begin to connect with and support your local school.

If you would like to know more about anything on our churches page please get in contact.