At Key Stage 2 and Years 7 & 8, we offer
We offer RE lessons on themes to enhance the curriculum. We are always happy to take RE lessons, including creative teaching sessions for Years 3,4,5 and 6
- We have resource packs to support these teaching sessions
- ‘Grill A Christian’ works well for Years 6,7,8 and is where they can ask a Christian questions about their life and faith. No question is considered too hostile or too difficult – although we reserve the right to say ‘I don’t know’!
- Class or year group assemblies on Christian themes such as faith, giving and forgiveness enable good discussion on thought-provoking themes.
- ‘Prayer Spaces’ at KS2 and Years 7 and 8: Prayer Spaces in schools enable children and young people, of all faiths and none, to explore life questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way. A prayer space is usually a classroom sized area that has been transformed for a day or a week with a range of creative activities that encourage personal reflection on issues such as forgiveness, injustice, thankfulness, big questions, identity and stillness. This strongly supports spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC). Click here to see more.
- ‘It’s Your Move’ workshops, assemblies and reflection days support transition for Year 6. This has also been adapted for transition for Year 4 in lower schools.
- Easter and Christmas workshops offer classes interactive, creative ways to journey through the Christian festivals while asking interesting questions and letting children describe their understanding of these events.
- Lunchtime clubs
- Self Esteem groups. Using specially written materials, our workers can deliver Self Esteem sessions to small groups of Year 7 and 8 students who the school identifies as having a need for such support.
- Christian clubs. Support for ‘Christian Unions’ – we offer help and support if a school runs a school CU.
- Special live events
- The Live Nativity, Easter Experience, Lifepath and In the Footsteps of Bunyan are events held offsite.
- These are drama based experiences to help deliver your RE curriculum in an engaging and fun way. Please contact us if you would like to find out how your school can attend these events.