Keystage 1

At Key Stage 1, we offer

  • RE lessons We are always happy to take RE lessons which are creative teaching sessions for Years 1 and 2. We have resource packs to support these sessions.
  • ‘Out-of-the-Box’ Storytelling with groups or a class. ‘OutoftheBox’ uses story and play to develop trust, listening skills, emotions, wonder, play and how to show empathy. OutoftheBox stories can be told in classes or in groups on story carpets, in book corners, at a table top or even outside (see picture above).
  • Godly Play This is an approach to play based learning which takes children’s spirituality seriously. It nurtures wonder, questioning and story retelling through play based sessions and fits into the early years curriculum very well
  • ‘Creative Prayer’ This gives children in KS1 time to reflect about themselves and their world and an opportunity to pray if they wish. This can also be experienced in an outdoor setting.
  • Easter and Christmas workshops offer to classes interactive, creative ways to journey through the Christian festivals while asking interesting questions and letting children describe their understanding of these events.